11 Jun 19
Cerrado burns
The Cerrado has lost almost half of its native vegetation and continues to be threatened by monoculture and cattle ranching expansion with the support of the government. According to INPE, the biome lost 7.697 km2 of vegetation in the last year. The destruction of the Cerrado happens at a more intense pace than Amazon’s deforestation. In the past 5 years, Cerrado lost 56.300 km2 of native coverage, while the Amazon (twice the size) lost 35.800km2. The main deforestation hotspot in the Cerrado is the Matopiba region, seen as the last agricultural haven in Brazil. According to a Greenpeace report, 486.000 km2 of native Cerrado had been turned into pasture for cattle until 2017.
Sources6 Jun 19
Bolsonaro wants to “marry progress and the environment"
12 Jun 19
Bolsonaro wants to reduce protected nature areas