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Há um projeto anti-indígena em curso, afirma organização

Crédito: Reprodução via Instituto Socioambiental

Indigenous People Network of Brazil release dossier about Bolsonaro crimes against native Brazilians

The hate speeches by President Jair Bolsonaro and his supporters fuel the violent project and the restriction of rights to which the population of Brazil has been subjected in recent years. The statement introduces the “International dossier of denunciations of the indigenous peoples of Brazil 2021”, launched by the Articulação dos Povos Indígenas do Brasil – Indigenous People of Brazil Network (Apib).

The document gathers “relevant information to demonstrate that a broad and comprehensive anti-indigenous project is underway, orchestrated with the direct participation of the Executive, advances in great strides in the National Congress and rounds up decisions that pass through the hands of the justices of the Supreme Federal Court (STF), and also by other instances of the Judiciary Power”, says the text. The threats presented were categorized into “Institutional” and “Social and environmental”.

Regarding the dossier, Brasil de Fato reported some of the main anti-indigenous measures that are advancing in Congress, such as Bill 2.633/2020, dubbed by its critics as “Land Grabbing Bill”, and the validity or not of the ” thesis” of the Marco Temporal at the Supreme Court, which seriously threatens the demarcation of indigenous lands.

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