21 Mar 23
Serra do Mar State Park in São Paulo state becomes a target of illegal mining
The Serra do Mar State Park in São Paulo state, the largest Atlantic rainforest reserve in Brazil, is being targeted for illegal mining, according to reports received by the Federal Public Prosecution (MPF). Indigenous people who live in the region found clandestine bridges, a house and trails used by miners, as well as a road that goes through the forest.
Images were recorded inside the Renascer Indigenous Land, in Ubatuba, on the northern coast of São Paulo, showing a truck being loaded with gravel inside a protected area. Attorney Walquíria Picoli stated that there is no authorization from the Union for the mining activity and no environmental license to mine, constituting two crimes: the crime of usurpation of Union property and the crime of illegal mining.
17 Mar 23
By unanimous decision, Supreme Court annuls Fernando de Noronha's assignment contract to Pernambuco state
21 Mar 23
Attorney General allows IBAMA to collect BRL 29 billion in environmental fines