31 Mar 23
Government requests withdrawal of bill that allows mining on indigenous lands
The government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva sent a message to the National Congress requesting the withdrawal of a bill (PL) that would allow mining on indigenous lands. Bill No. 191/2020, presented by former president Jair Bolsonaro in February 2020, was intended to regulate mining, tourism, ranching, and exploitation of water resources, oil, and gas within indigenous lands. Although it had an urgency request approved in 2022, the text was not analyzed by the House of Representatives and has remained stalled. PL 191 was the focus of indigenous mobilizations in recent years and was baptized “Bill of Death”.
Sources31 Mar 23
In an attempt to curb illegal gold digging, gold trading will require electronic invoicing
5 Apr 23
Illegal mining rates drop but invasion continues in Yanomami Indigenous Land