11 Apr 23
Study says that 75% of the deforestation under Bolsonaro is likely to be illegal
A study by the MapBiomas project reveals that 75% of the deforestation that occurred in Brazil since 2019, during the government of Jair Bolsonaro, had evidence of illegality. According to the study, most cases (58%) occurred in areas that should be protected by law, such as reserves and permanent preservation areas.
The data indicate an increase in environmental degradation, since the rate of illegal deforestation was about 60% in the previous administration, of Michel Temer. Furthermore, the analysis indicates that the Amazon region concentrated 73% of illegal deforestation in the analyzed period, with illegal logging being the main activity associated with deforestation. The study reinforces the importance of strengthening public policies for environmental protection to prevent the continued degradation of the environment in the country.
Sources11 Apr 23
Extreme Weather: heavy rains affect 35 thousand families in Maranhão
12 Apr 23
Plan to achieve "zero deforestation" is presented by Lula administration